On a mission to support women and teens to live in harmony with their bodies, cycles and nature and actually enjoy the journey of womanhood

Women's Empowerment Coach,

Teen Mentor and

Menstrual Cycle Educator

The ever changing nature of being a woman

As women, we are cyclical beings who move through changes and transitions over the course of the day, the month, the year and our lifetime. Women's wisdom is our birthright and our direct source to our inner power. I help you to connect to your menstrual cycle and to navigate changes, transitions and complicated emotions with greater ease and confidence.

1-1 Coaching Journeys

Join one of my coaching journeys, whether you desire to reconnect to your menstrual cycle, reclaim the power of each life phase, or explore the wonders of being a woman. Support sessions for both teen girls and women of all ages.

Exclusive offer!

Learn the Fertility Awareness Method of Birth Control / Conception with me and receive 3 months free of access to the Read your Body Cycle Tracking App!
