Transformative Coaching Journeys

Fall in love with the journey of being a woman

Teen Coaching

1:1 support for young women during the transitions and changes of puberty and adolescence.

Abundance Coaching

For women entrepreneurs, coaches and thought leaders looking to make a loving impact in an abundantly nourishing way

Menstrual Cycle and Life Transitions Coaching

Cyclical support through transitions and transformations.

1:1 coaching for teen girls 12+ as they navigate adolescence

Teen Coaching

What does a typical teen coaching session look like?

During teen coaching sessions we will explore topics such as emotional well-being, physical-well-being, hormones and body changes, boundaries and safety, intuition, healthy sexuality, the menstrual cycle, friendships, stress and self confidence, seasons and transitions, and much more...

Sessions will include talking and sharing, gentle meditation and breathwork, nervous system regulation techniques, inner work connecting to the body and it's messages, visualisations and a general safe space for them to bring anything and everything that arises in their experience of growing up.

What can teen sessions help with?

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Stress management

  • Emotional regulation techniques

  • Communication tools

  • Understanding hormonal fluctuations and how to manage them as a young women

  • Struggles at school / with friends

  • Age appropriate sex-education and menstrual cycle awareness for teen girls

  • Going through a big change as a teen for example: a parents divorce, moving house, loosing a loved one, moving country, new sibling...

  • Navigating first romantic relationships

Weekly sessions

Price per session: 75$ / £55 / €60 / 225 nis

Recommended: 3 months minimum

If you have a teen in your life who could benefit from some support here is the process to start working with me:

Why trust me to coach your teenager?

With a BA in education and psychology and a master's in psychology I have a clear understanding of the developmental stages of childhood and adolescence.

And as a young person and big sister I offer a space for teens to feel connected, comfortable and at ease with someone who gets them and yet can still offer the answers and support they are searching for...

For women entrepreneurs, coaches and thought leaders looking to make a loving impact in an abundantly nourishing way

Women's Empowerment, Support for Coaches, Abundance Coaching

  • Support for Coaches: I offer coaching guidance and business mentorship for other coaches looking for some "supervision" style support. Our session are a mix between moments to ask your coaching related questions, opportunities to explore new directions for your clients journeys and your own inner work. Alot comes up when we are holding space for other so this is an opportunity to do the work in a safe container so that you can show up more centred and aligned with your clients.

  • Women Entrepreneurs: Support and guidance on setting up and running your own business in alignment with your cycle and the unique energies of your cyclical nature. Sessions can look like brainstorming together, creating mind maps and next steps, marketing and messaging support, working on being seen and charging money, and our ability to let ourselves shine in our innerpower. A beautiful mix between practical and emotional support on this journey.

  • Abundance coaching: Let me show you that there IS another way to make money and live an abundant life. A way that is in alignment with the natural ebb and flow of YOUR energy, a way that doesn’t lead to burnout or exhaustion, a way that feels expansively feminine, a way that is sustainable, safe and in tune with nature and your menstrual cycle. This container is for you if you have the desire to create, receive and expand the level of abundance in your life. If you desire to feel abundant even while you REST. If you desire to understand how to collaborate with your body, cycle and the divine.

Coaching Container:

1h15 - 1h30 sessions

3-12 month commitment

Weekly or bi-weekly

price per session: $110 / £90 / 350 nis

Cyclical support through transitions and transformations: Weekly or bi-weekly 1:1 coaching sessions to deepen your connection to yourself, your body and your inner-power.

Menstrual Cycle and

Life Transitions Coaching

  • Menstrual Cycle exploration and alignement

    Learn both the scientific and spiritual sides of your menstrual cycle. Connect to and live in alignment with your cyclical energies. Connect to your inner power through the magic of your cycle.

  • Fertility Journeys: natural contraception / conception

    Loving guidance on your fertility journey. I offer fertility journeys for women who wish to conceive and for women who wish to avoid pregnancy in a natural way.

  • Transitional support through major life transitions (moving house/country, starting/ending relationship, grief/loss)

    A space to honor and grieve old identities and embrace new empowering identities.

  • Female Archetypes Journey (Maiden-Mother-Queen-Wise Woman)

    Connecting to the unique power and wisdom of each archetype and how each energy can support us differently in our lives. This is also the perfect space if you are feeling "stuck" in one of your life stages and would like support in embracing the next phase in your life.

  • Rites of Passage (Menarch-Motherhood-Menopause)

    Support on the journey of entering a new life phase. Including, the transition from girl to woman (menarche), the transition from woman to mother (motherhood) and moving into peri-menopause and menopause.

During coaching sessions we will connect to the cyclicity of life, and how we feel this both inside ourselves and in the world around us. We will explore how the cyclical nature of life can support us in every stage of our development. A big focus of our work will be connecting to our inner resources and learning how to embrace all the seasons of life. We will learn how to embrace rest, how to prioritise and how to listen to ourselves. Get ready for a deep dive journey into yourself!

Coaching Container:

1h15-1h30 sessions

3-12 months commitment

Weekly or Bi-weekly sessions

$110 / £90 / 350 nis


Support Sessions

A nourishing one-off support session for anyone needing a little extra love, support or space holding.

These sessions can include:

--> Desire Mapping: getting clear on what you desire and exploring what is currently getting in the way of moving towards your desires

--> Grief Holding: If you are going through a difficult period and need a one off grief session to feel held in this moment

--> Miscarriage and Abortion support: A soft session for you to feel held while you are going through a challenging time.

--> Seasonal Solstice Ceremonies: These are seasonal sessions around the Summer and Winter Solstice and Spring and Autumn Equinox to support your transition during the seasonal shifts.

--> Menarche / Motherhood/ Menopause Ritual: A session to celebrate and mark the transition into a new life phase. These rituals can be held during the actual transition or even years after.

Session are 2hs long

Price: $160 / £120 / 600 nis